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Vjosa - White rafting river...!

Vjosa - White rafting river...!

Written by Gent Mati on Saturday, 03 March 2012. Posted in English

Spring in Permet

The spring in the region of Permet is just amazing. You may find spectacular views all over Albania at this season, but I would separate the tenderness of Permet. Gentle green valleys, fruit trees on bloom and the mountain hills with the snow that seems like an ice-cream on the horizon, magically combine with ech other awakening you the senses that many times ago inspired our beloved poet Naim Frasheri, to make some of the most impressive albanian patriotic verses.

Here, betwee the Albanian mountains and the high oaks flow the waters of Vjosa - a river with a generous current, quiet and precipitated at the same time. In these punchy currents, the experinced guides of Outdoor Albania - Rafting make possible adventurous boating for anyone who wants to live intensive emotion in fresh and clean air!

Even though a bit late comparing to many other European countries where the “rafting”started at the middle of the 80’s, today the rafting benevolets are not missing. It’s a special pleasure to notice that after almost 2 decades of “hibernation” Albanians are finally rushing to explore their attractive country in ever possible way and with every tool they can.

Meeting in Permet

The partecipants travel in Permet one day before the leeway rafting in order to be more relaxed and fresh. In center and suburb also thereare very good hotels read to welcome the guests.

Permet offers also different possibilities of short cultural and natural visits,  in which would be pointed the wonderful frescos of the Church of Sam Maria in Leuse, stone houses characteristic of Benje village and the ottoman bridge over Langarica that leads to some bathtubes built with river stones  from the inhabitants:“Benja’s bathtubs”which are filled from sulphur spring fountains with curative attributes.

In these place with so hospitable and well cultured people, couldn’t miss the delicious food, which is served professionally in restaurants and taverns, associated from the old wines of the valley and from the best brandy of the country. It shouldn’t be forgotten to take something as a souvenir like a bottle of special brandy, Frasheri flowers honey, fig tree, walnut or plum jam filled with almonds.

And now rafting!

Usually the partecipants after wearing the necessary equipement follow with attention a technical brief explanation from the organisators, to know the manovers that will be used on the river and also with other security elements in case of any swiming “surprise” that doesn’t misses.

Once the teams are formed, divided the positions on the boat and everything is ready for the adventure. Starting point is choosen quiet, so that the crew will be familiar with the use of spades and also the special way of swiming when the flow becomes stronger.

Latter the Kaludhi’s curve doesn’t delay to cause emotion to the crew in a number of consecutive waves, followed by joyful laughters and sometimes any swimmer that “relishes” Vjosa’s coolness.

The calm waters that follow allow renewing the forces and preparing for other stubborn waves through which will sail with shelves, alongside the stately view of the north-easter site of Nemercka – the highest mountain of Southern Albania

Stream estuary of Langarica and the “Horns” one give some of the most powerful waves of albanian rivers which we strongly “ride” one after the other. They are so strong and powerful that shelves at times ‘disappear’ under water to re-emerge on surface accompanied by explosions of water drops and exalted screams of crews.

We are slowly coming near Permet where is the arrival and the end of this spectacular one day adventure. Than, thank you Vjosa! And especially: Goodbye!

Technical information

What is rafting?

Rafting – is boating on foamy waterflows on air boats built specially for this purpose. Generally it is known as an “extreme sport” but with the right asistance and guide of specialized instructors it can be a very funny activity where everyone may partecipate.

Everyone wears neoprene suits – synthetic material same one as the diving suits who also manages to preserve wet body temperature. Rescue vest provides floatation through flow, while the helmet provides protection from any sudden stroke.

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About the Author

Gent Mati

Eksplorues dhe ushtrues i sporteve te natyres si rafting, kayaking, skiing, kite-surfing etj, me kompanine e tij Outdoor Albania. OA eshte nje nga kompanite me te spikatura qe ushtron aktivitete dhe ture me natyre aventureske ne Shqiperi.

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