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Articles in Category: English

Vjosa - White rafting river...!

Written by Gent Mati on Saturday, 03 March 2012. Posted in English

Spring in Permet

Vjosa - White rafting river...!

The spring in the region of Permet is just amazing. You may find spectacular views all over Albania at this season, but I would separate the tenderness of Permet. Gentle green valleys, fruit trees on bloom and the mountain hills with the snow that seems like an ice-cream on the horizon, magically combine with ech other awakening you the senses that many times ago inspired our beloved poet Naim Frasheri, to make some of the most impressive albanian patriotic verses.

Apolonia, the city of the sun

on Tuesday, 28 February 2012. Posted in English

Ilirjan Gjika

Apolonia, the city of the sun

Travelling in the city loved by archeologists

Once here used to start one of the most important roads wich connected East and West, Rome with Kostandinopolis. While now Apolonia marks the end of a rural road that leads straight into it.

Since 2005, Apolonia, this archaeological center of Albania performs as national archaeological park wich is opened to be visited by domestic and foreign tourists.  While every summer there are developed archaeological expeditions, which together with the medieval monastery museum and create all the conditions here to place an authentic cultural tourism and historic, where the relaxed character to whom adds beautiful nature surrounding landscape. And each of them coming here for the firsttime or again and again can’t imagine how used to be the Apolonia monuments of archeological when the archaeolost pickaxe hadn’t begun''''knocking on earth.